Coach Chris Eaton Memorial Scholarship


raising awareness of mental, Physical, and Emotional health issues and resources

Chris Eaton Foundation

The very first Coach Chris Eaton Memorial Scholarship was awarded in June 2024 (click News & Events for info). Information about changes for next year’s scholarship will be published in the coming months. The Scholarship was created in honor of Chris Eaton, a passionate and successful head baseball coach at Sandia High School in Albuquerque, who died in November 2022. Award recipients will be those student-athletes who best exemplify their sport, academic achievement, contributions to their community, leadership, teamwork and good sportsmanship. The Scholarship is funded entirely by charitable donations. All donations are used to fund the Scholarship and to raise awareness of healthy living resources to help young people improve their mental and physical health.


After Chris died, his family decided to do something to carry on, as best they could, Chris’s energetic and passionate support for young people, especially student athletes. With the support and encouragement of many, they established the Chris Eaton Foundation and the Scholarship in November 2023. A Cibola High School soccer player and co-valedictorian was the 2024 winner.

In the spring of 2025, senior class student athletes in any varsity school-sponsored sport at an Albuquerque high school may apply for the Scholarship award to be used for college or vocational school. Click here for the requirements, criteria, and the application form for the Scholarship. Some changes to the Scholarship will be made for 2025.

Chris’s family and close friends contributed money to start the Scholarship fund. Many generous people have donated since then. (See a list of donors by clicking here or ABOUT and OUR SUPPORTERS at the top of the page.) Charitable contributions are needed to continue to build the fund into an endowment that will provide scholarships for years to come.

The Chris Eaton Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity under the Internal Revenue Service Code. Donations for the Coach Chris Eaton Memorial Scholarship are made directly to the Chris Eaton Foundation.


award requirements + criteria

In 2024, applicants for the Scholarship must be high school seniors who participated in at least one school-sponsored sport at the varsity level in an Albuquerque high school, who have at least a 3.2 GPA, and who will attend college or a vocational school in the fall. Applications will be evaluated on the following four criteria, which student athletes will be asked to address in the application process:


Performance and accomplishments in the student’s sport(s), including statistical performance, awards and recognition, highlights and special moments, contributions to team success, personal development and improvement in the sport, and willingness to listen to coaches, and to learn and grow as an athlete and a teammate. 

ACADEMIC Achievements 

This category focuses primarily on the student’s performance in the classroom, including awards, achievements, grade point averages, trends toward improvement, as well as a curiosity about the world and desire to learn. The student’s academic goals and a plan to achieve those goals also will be considered.

LEADERSHIP + Teamwork 

Student’s efforts and achievements both on and off the field with regard to setting an example for others, and motivating themselves and others to set goals and work hard toward those goals. Consideration will be given to specific examples of how the student assisted or motivated his or her teammates to continually improve.


This category focuses on activities and interests that are not in the student’s sport or in school. Activities here can include charitable and volunteer activities, fund-raising for good causes, helping those in need, and generally working toward improving one’s family, neighborhood, church, clubs, community or the world at large.


An interested student athlete should first confirm that he or she is a high school senior who has participated in at least one school-sponsored sport at the varsity level in an Albuquerque high school, has a 3.2 GPA or higher, and will attend college or a vocational school in the fall.

It is recommended that applicants read the materials on this website and develop an understanding of Chris Eaton and the criteria for the Scholarship award. Applicants should take their time to complete the written application form on this website and prepare a short video presentation. Completed applications, including the video, will be accepted beginning March 1, 2024, and must be submitted no later than May 31, 2024.

A committee composed of Chris’s family, coaches, educators and community leaders will review the applications, solicit comments from others, and announce the winner or winners by June 30. Arrangements will then be made to transfer the Scholarship money to the student’s account at a college or vocational school the student will attend.

The dollar amount of the Scholarship is up to $10,000 for 2024. The committee would be looking for one clear winner, who would be entitled to the full amount. However, if there are two equally deserving candidates, the Scholarship amount would be divided between them.

In honor & loving memory of coach chris eaton